Definition July 2024 - Web


GREENER GEAR Buying and selling from MPB not only saves you cash, but it also stops perfectly usable kit going to waste

Take the lead We all have a part to play in creating a more sustainable future for our industry. Buying, selling and trading with MPB is a great place to start SUSTAINABILITY:

W hen we closely examine dauntingly big challenge before us. So big, in fact, that it can be easy to overlook the responsibility of individual consumers. But, the truth is, we all have a part to play in a greener future. One effective way to reduce your environmental footprint is by buying and selling your equipment through MPB. The world’s largest platform of its kind, MPB offers a simple, safe and circular way to trade video and photo equipment. By recirculating over half a million items annually – from cameras and lenses to grips and gimbals – MPB prevents a vast quantity of gear from ending up in landfill and provides significant cost savings compared to buying new items. Beyond its circular model, MPB exemplifies sustainability environmental sustainability in production, there is a

across its operations, as highlighted in its recently published Impact Report. The company’s daily practices are an example to follow, with 100% plastic- free packaging and a strict zero waste to landfill policy. Plus, a significant 35% of electricity used came from renewable sources through the year. This year’s improvements over an already strong environmental stance are a result of a newly formed sustainability committee, made up of MPB’s leaders. In addition to these early wins, it has laid out a longer-term plan of action. By 2025, MPB plans to be fully circular in its use of office furniture, IT hardware and warehouse gear. In the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Circulytics assessment – which takes a broad view of an organisation’s place within a green circular economy, from its products and operations to its external engagement

and enabling – MPB has been awarded an A- rating. The company also plans to reach 100% renewable electricity usage in its buildings by 2025. Net zero office and sustainability AT THE CENTRE OF everything ” MPB REMAINS COMMITTED TO keeping



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