Definition July 2024 - Web


NEW LIFE Bebob’s packaging and recelling practices are evidence of its sustainability credentials

responsible customers, which we very much welcome! The emerging shift in awareness is a great opportunity, just like the technological advancements.” Tempering that, he says, is managing expectations around the increased costs that come with investing in safety, quality, serviceability and sustainability in manufacturing – and building awareness of greenwashing. “If buyers are satisfied with lip service from less responsible manufacturers – or merely focus on the cheapest products – a real change in our

WE ENSURE THE highest certified quality AND future viability ”

industry towards greater sustainability will not be possible,” he urges. “This is one of the biggest challenges we face.” Bebob has been in the market for 30 years, championing eco principles such as recycling and resource-saving from the get-go. The company produces its batteries locally in Munich to reduce CO2 emissions, as well as taking care of the professional disposal of components no longer usable, including those from other manufacturers. A key innovation has been Bebob’s battery-recelling service – a unique offering in the market. “Our batteries are designed in such a way where we can replace the cells when their performance diminishes after years of use. We avoid using environmentally harmful adhesives – instead, we use high-quality screws and ensure the individual components can be reused,” elaborates Erkelenz. “By saving environmentally harmful materials and resources, we significantly reduce the CO2 emissions that occur during the production of new batteries. Our customers invest in high-quality products that pay for themselves many times over during their life cycle.” The product range includes V-Mount, B-Mount and Gold Mount-compatible batteries – all of which can have their cells replaced. This not only brings a

significant impact on reducing CO2 emissions, but also lowers costs for responsible filmmakers. Furthermore, Erkelenz states: “We ensure the highest certified quality and future viability for our batteries, chargers and adapters. Our quality management is ISO 9001 certified, so customers can always rely on us for the highest level of quality and safety. Bebob products are not disposable items which must be replaced after a short period of use; they are durable and quality products.” Bebob doesn’t just talk the talk, it walks the walk, ensuring the company’s own practices align with the sustainability commitments according to ISO 14001 guidelines. Particular importance is attached to the reduction of CO2 emissions, with employees using electric vehicles for their commutes, as well as for the delivery and collection of products. Packaging materials are minimised, reused and recycled as much as possible, plus the company has a dedicated sustainability programme and a full-time environmental officer overseeing all sustainable processes. In a world where, all too often, discussion of green practices is fuelled by little more than hot air, Bebob is (battery) powering us forward towards a sustainable future in production.



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