Definition July 2024 - Web


BAFTA ALBERT A lbert is BAFTA’s sustainability branch, leading the UK screen industry by example in ensuring a greener future for all. Since its inception in 2011, the organisation has launched several certifications that standardise sustainable production practices and demonstrate the industry’s commitment to climate action. As part of its toolkit, albert’s carbon calculator allows productions to measure and report their carbon footprints, adding to a database of over 1000 projects. Following a carbon action plan can also result in an award of one, two or three stars if completed successfully.

GOLD STANDARD The BAFTA albert Summit (above) emphasised the interdependence of sustainability, addressing social and economic issues too

In late 2020, albert released the Screen New Deal, a report which addresses the carbon impact of tentpole productions and suggests specific, implementable actions to achieve net zero. The report’s primary message was simple: the screen industry requires systemic change. Breaking down the data, the Screen New Deal found that 50% of a production’s carbon emissions come from fuel (used in cars and generators), 30% from energy (gas and electricity), 16% from air travel and 4% from temporary accommodation. Put more plainly, a production’s average fuel consumption could fill over 11,000 car tanks; average air travel equates to 11 Earth-to-Moon trips; and average energy consumption could power Times Square for five days.



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