The ultimate recycler Filmmaker Billy
T he path to professional time on a TV or film set was the only way in. But thanks to more affordable equipment, the rise of the internet and the explosion in demand for video content, barriers to entry are disappearing. In the case of Billy McGarry, he took a more unusual pathway into the industry, helped all the way by purchasing and selling his kit through mega used retailer MPB. As his filmmaking has progressed, he’s recycled his old gear via MPB and filmmaking has changed so much in recent times. Previously, studying at film school or serving traded up to newer equipment – but always buying even the latest kit used, as it makes so much financial sense. “And I’d like to think my old gear will go to someone just starting out to give them a low-cost way into filmmaking... where I was a few years ago,” he says. It was certainly an unconventional route into filmmaking for McGarry. Always a lover of photography and films, it was purely as a hobby. His self-employed role providing social media, sales and marketing services for a range of clients near his base in Kent kept him busy. “It was becoming obvious that all these smaller companies needed visual content – especially video,” he says. “But they couldn’t afford to pay top dollar. I knew I was missing a trick, as I could put a package together to create content and do the marketing. So, I decided to learn how to do it.” But on his first job videoing a house interior for an estate agent, he really did wing it. He borrowed a camera, but didn’t quite know how to use it. Everything was shot on a trusty iPhone, which is what ended up making the final cut! McGarry doesn’t just throw his old kit into a drawer, but recycles it throughMPB to keep business costs low
THE MASKED RECYCLER Billy McGarry on the set of a pop video shoot with the kit he bought from used experts MPB
“I used the money from that job to get my own camera. It was a Canon M50 I bought used fromMPB,” admits McGarry. “It meant not having to lay out loads of money to start with, then as I progressed, they have a good supply of used kit and excellent customer service on the phone as well. That helped massively when I got going, as I didn’t really know too much about anything – the advice was just what I needed.” McGarry learned his craft with lots of practice, hours watching online tutorials, and by getting to work with more experienced filmmakers.
“MPBhave a good supply of used kit and excellent customer service on the phone. That helpedwhen I got going... the advicewas just what I needed”
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