FEED Summer 2023 Web

An Accenture report claims that the popularity of voice-activated services increase the potential to become integrated more deeply across home and car. Mercedes-Benz’s bespoke VEHICULAR VOICES

in-car voice technology system, Mercedes-Benz User Experience (MBUX), is one of the most intelligent voice assistants on the road. MBUX can cater to a range of driver and passenger needs, and by leveraging a variety of biometric technologies, it also provides a new level of

personalisation and security that is accessed with your voice. Opportunities will also arise from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) partnering with third parties that are already doing voice-activated services well in other sectors. The key will be not building bespoke, siloed

features that may limit future options, but broadening the aspects of daily life that customers can control from within their car. The question for OEMs then, is: what products, services and experiences can they create around the car’s new role as an extended living space?


A global company, 3SS’s solutions are currently used by over 50 million households – and are the number one most trusted solution for Android TV products – a clear example of how broadcast tech vendors already have the tool kit necessary to break into the automotive space. The 3Ready platform already possessed the ideal components that a car manufacturer might be looking for. This provides a complete framework, which can act as a base for all applications. The platform then supports that with its remote management system – allowing the option to aggregate all devices from one centralised hub.

vendors can say they are well versed in when it comes to regular devices and platforms. “Entertainment has of course always been an aspect of cars in audio form, but not video until now. We provide the code base for the applications – ENTERTAINMENT HAS ALWAYS BEEN AN ASPECT OF CARS

The easiest way of looking at it is to add cars to the catalogue of smart devices in which the general population consumes content today. “Set-top boxes and pay TV operators are still at the core of our business,” explains Dzikowski. “Automobiles are just additional devices. It’s interesting because of the current trends. There are increasing numbers of connected cars on the road, with vehicle screens getting faster and bigger.” Of course, those screens need filling with content and applications – something that broadcast tech


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