Enter our third annual creator contest to put your name in lights THE SPOTLIGHT IS YOURS! E ntries are flooding in for MPB Filmmaker of the Year, which celebrates individuals and independent filmmaking companies who create stunning documentaries, marvellous
The contest is open for entries until 30 May 2025 , when entrants will be judged by a panel of experts. We are looking for originality, creativity and excellence of execution. Entering is easy: choose a category or categories from the following pages, and let the world see you at your best. There’s no lengthy process and you don’t need a bespoke showreel or new film. We either want to see content you’ve created for clients, volunteer work for a charity or sports team, personal projects or anything else at all. Visit promoviemaker.net and follow the links for Filmmaker of the Year. All we need is a link to watch the video online, such as on YouTube or Vimeo, plus the password if it’s protected – or send a link to a file-sharing service like We Transfer. Let us know if we have permission to promote the film on our website or social media, and supply any credits. In the entry form, you’ll be asked to tell us the category or categories you want to enter, your role on the film and who the client was, if applicable. Please write a paragraph or two, giving context to the shoot, including challenges you faced and success your film has had. Email any questions to adamduckworth@bright-publishing.com with the subject line Filmmaker of the Year.
marketing films, wild music videos, enthralling event coverage, stupendous social media, far- reaching YouTube content and lots more. Pro Moviemaker ’s annual awards are made for the commercial and next-gen filmmakers behind the explosion in professionally produced content watched by millions around the globe – whether it’s via websites, YouTube, Vimeo, social media platforms or otherwise. Video dominates every platform so we seek out the creative filmmakers behind this content. We aim to celebrate original, innovative work that often pushes the boundaries of creativity. Now in their third year, the MPB-backed awards are all about unique long- or short-form content in lots of classes, with categories to recognise editing, lighting, audio, cinematography and visual effects. There are classes for established filmmakers or those just starting out, as well as students. Entrants can be individuals or part of a team and simply have to link to their chosen entry if it’s online, or submit the finished work directly.
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