Photography News 102 - Web

The Insurance Emporium


Five great reasons to get yourself camera insurance – and one more to vote for us!

The Insurance Emporium offers bespoke photography insurance and PN readers love it. Here’s why you need camera cover – and how you can get it

HERE AT THE Insurance Emporium, our aim is to protect the things you love, and we always strive to provide our customers with the best possible service, so imagine how thrilled we were to have been nominated for best insurance provider at the Photography News 2022 Awards. This will be our third nomination and we’re crossing our fingers for a hat-trick, as we were previously winners in both 2020 and 2021. The thing that makes this award even more special is that it is voted for by

accidentally leave a vital piece of kit behind when you’re rushing to clear away before it starts raining after a long shoot. It only takes one small accident; wouldn’t it be good to know that you don’t have to spend precious time and money sorting repairs, or even a replacement? Data Recovery is also an option on some policies, as is Accidental Portfolio Damage, so you can be covered for the cost of re-duplicating or re-printing. While the manufacturer’s warranty may cover the cost of replacing faulty

the people who matter and use our product; that’s you, the readers. Why are we so passionate about camera insurance? With an estimated 1.72 trillion photographs taken every year, cameras play a huge role in our lives, and whether you’re an amateur snapper or a professional shooter, you might want to be sure your kit and camera are protected. However careful you are, there’s always the chance that something unexpected might happen, but have you ever thought about what you

would do if some of your equipment got lost, or was damaged or stolen? When was the last time you stopped to work out what it’s all worth? Photography isn’t cheap! It’s estimated that UK consumers spent around £2.13 billion on photographic equipment in 2021 alone. Modern camera equipment is much more sophisticated than it used to be; it’s not a cheap hobby. Chances are you’ve built up quite a collection, not only the cameras themselves but

also lenses, chargers, memory cards, tripods and editing equipment. While some of those items can be replaced quite cheaply, others, such as DSLRs, can cost quite a bit to replace. Accidents Picture this; you’re all set up, ready to capture the perfect sunrise from the beach. You step back and stumble on somebody's sandcastle from the day before, lose your grip on your camera and drop it, leaving you with a broken lens and a camera full of sand. Or you

44 Photography News | Issue 102

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