Photography News 102 - Web


Weather Photographer of the Year

Hosted by the Royal Meteorological Society, the Weather POTY enters its seventh year. It seeks to capture the best images of ever-changing patterns around the world, with around 9000 entries this year. Free to enter for all ages, the judges look for storytelling, and are especially interested in the impact of climate change from a personal perspective.

HAVE A GO! › Open to All levels › 2023 closing date TBA ›  2022 entry costs Free ›  Website photographer-year-2022

UNDER THE WEATHER Submissions are put to a mixed panel of meteorologists and photographers, with the public voting on the audience favourite award

The Pano Awards The Epson International Pano Awards is the largest contest for panoramic photography. In its 13th year, it received 4129 entries from 1197 photographers in 98 countries – competing to take home the prize money and some Epson goodies.

HAVE A GO! › Open to All levels ›  2023 closing date 17 July 2023 ›  2022 entry costs From $20 (single image) › Website

PICTURE THE SCENE Keeping up with the times, the Pano Awards now has a 360°/VR category. Traditional images must meet the format requirements of at least a 2:1 ratio, with image stitching allowed but not a requirement

22 Photography News | Issue 102

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