FEED Summer 2024 Web

AUDIOSHAKE CEO: Jessica Powell

What is the company’s origin story? Years back, Audioshake’s co-founders lived in Tokyo, where the thriving karaoke scene inspired an idea that they would later know to be called stem separation. The original thought was: ‘Wouldn’t it be great if you could sing along to all the world’s songs – not just the popular ones – by converting any song into an instrumental?‘ After a few years, they returned to the idea and started researching music processing and how to separate sound from its original source. Creating better karaoke tracks was just a hobbyist interest, but it inspired them to think about how sound separation could open audio to new kinds of listening and interactive experiences. With a scrappy team of researchers and engineers, they built out their first product, Audioshake Live. What is it working on right now? Audioshake is focused on sound separation and its applications across all sectors of the entertainment industry. The company has built state-of- the-art models that can separate any piece of audio into its components. For film, television and broadcast, this means isolating the dialogue, music and effects from each other – while for music, this involves separating the individual instruments in a song. The company also has models targeted on very specific tasks. Audioshake is currently concentrating on iterating these models for content and production teams, and hopefully launching features that are particularly resonant – like multi-speaker separation – in the coming months. What is the next step? High-quality sound separation offers a tremendous amount of opportunity for content creation, revenue generation and audience engagement. Imagine being able to reduce bleed from different audio sources, remove music from environments in real time, separate commentators for real-time localisation and make audio more immersive through more granular editing controls. All of these involve sound separation. What one thing does the company need most? Audioshake has been thrilled to partner with companies in film, music, television and broadcast to develop and implement its technology, which is now used across a huge range of workflows such as transcription and captioning, AR, sync licensing, immersive audio, post-production, gaming and more. It is always looking to better understand the landscape and needs of its customers.




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