FEED Summer 2024 Web

NEED FOR SPEED Zixi’s dynamic latency responds and that will tell the receiving device it has four seconds to ensure all the packets arrive,” he explains.

gets overloaded or a router gets congested – the latency would need to be increased. So if you’re in a typical world where that latency is set to four seconds, it could use up all four seconds or even require more time. That’s when it would start dropping packets and, at that point, the end users would see problems with their stream,” he says. “But, if you’re using the dynamic latency feature from Zixi,” Garverick adds, “and you set it to something high – like eight seconds – when the switch gets overloaded, the latency will start to increase on the receiving side. That way, end users will never know the difference,” highlighting the solution’s primary draw. “When that connection becomes stable again, the latency will slowly lower over the course of a couple of days to get down to as low as it can be.”

L atency: it’s a term thrown known as lag, especially in online gaming) translates to the speed or time it takes for data to travel ‘from point A to point B,’ according to Ben Garverick, senior architect at Zixi. “If you want to send a packet of data over the internet or any network, you provide a time – like four seconds – to network conditions in real time, lowering transmission times to mere milliseconds around in conversations and at conventions, often prefaced by low or ultra-low. But what exactly is latency, and why does it matter? In short, latency (also

Four seconds might seem like a long time, but it’s ‘pretty standard,’ notes Garverick. But occasionally, “that four seconds is too much; you could send a packet of data across the internet or the network in milliseconds.” This is why Zixi developed dynamic latency – to take advantage of lower latencies over networks, therefore quickening workflows and boosting efficiency. The technology works by adjusting latency over time, responding to a given network’s average performance and addressing common obstructions. “Let’s say you’re distributing a FAST channel to another company,” begins Garverick. “If the network you are transmitting across starts to have degradation – there’s a switch that


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