FEED Summer 2024 Web

Our mission is clear – to be the platform that connects the whole TV ecosystem

The foundation of our platform is Roku’s operating system – the Roku OS – which is purpose-built for TV streaming. From the Roku home screen, users have access to thousands of channels and powerful universal search capabilities, which make it simple for our audiences to find the entertainment they are looking for. At Roku, our mission is clear – to be the streaming platform that connects and benefits the whole TV ecosystem. Our focus is on constantly evolving the way audiences discover fantastic content experiences, and how retailers, content partners, TV brands and advertisers unlock the value within the evolving streaming ecosystem. Could you talk us through the evolution of personalisation in UK TV and how streaming will become a linchpin of that? Personalisation has had a chequered past. I joined the BBC just after they completed their ‘100 tribes’ research and at one point the plan was to match services to audiences – an expensive race for ‘digital shelf space,’ which happily was overtaken by the new capabilities of technology, with streaming platforms emerging as the conduit for personalised content delivery. In the past, viewers were constrained by fixed schedules and limited choices. The advent of streaming marked the beginning of viewer freedom, where individuals (and content owners) could curate and evolve the viewing experience themselves. Central to this shift is the role of streaming platforms as facilitators of personalised content discovery. Using intelligent recommendation and robust viewer data, platforms can improve the

stronger. The UK TV industry thrives on collaboration between technology providers, media owners, infrastructure providers and government bodies. By working together, we can innovate faster, improve content delivery mechanisms and explore new advertising opportunities. In my view, the pace of collaboration needs to accelerate. Collaboration fosters a dynamic ecosystem where stakeholders can leverage each other’s strengths to drive growth and innovation. As the guardians of UK television, the public service broadcasters play a crucial role, ensuring that the best entertainment is produced and distributed both domestically and internationally. Can you explain the next evolution in content discovery and how data and AI will drive that change? The next step in content discovery is set to be driven by the convergence of data analytics and artificial intelligence technologies. Traditionally, content discovery has relied on static programme schedules and rudimentary recommendation algorithms, limiting viewer choice and personalisation. However,

EXCLUSIVE SHOWING In 2022, Roku released Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, about the comedian known for his parodies of contemporary songs

content experience based on individual preferences and viewing habits and the ability to source programmes from across content partner services. Whether it’s suggesting a new series based on past viewing history or surfacing niche content based on specific interests. The on-demand nature of streaming and the vast content libraries has also democratised access to diverse content that caters to a wide range of tastes and interests. The breadth and choice of content available has never been greater. Is there a need for greater industry collaboration to deliver world-class TV experiences for consumers? Absolutely, the need for industry collaboration has never been

the advent of AI-powered content discovery promises to fundamentally change the way audiences engage with TV content by delivering hyper- personalised, contextually relevant recommendations tailored to individual preferences. At the heart of this evolution is the ability of AI algorithms to analyse vast amounts of viewer data in real time, extracting actionable insights that inform content recommendations and user experiences. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, streaming platforms can decipher complex patterns in viewer behaviour and engagement metrics, enabling them to deliver highly targeted content suggestions across a variety of genres and formats. At the end of the day, these are only tools. We still rely on the instincts of commissioners and


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