FEED Summer 2024 Web



+44 (0)1223 492246 veritybutler@bright.uk.com SENIOR STAFF WRITER Katie Kasperson

DIGITAL WRITER Samara Husbands CHIEF SUB EDITOR Matthew Winney SUB EDITOR Minhaj Zia JUNIOR SUB EDITOR Molly Constanti CONTRIBUTORS  Paul Bray, Lee Renwick, Phil Rhodes, Fergal Ringrose, Neal Romanek ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR  Sam Scott-Smith +44 (0) 1223 499457 samscott-smith@bright.uk.com SALES MANAGER  Emma Stevens DESIGN JUNIOR DESIGNER AND AD PRODUCTION Holly May JUNIOR DESIGNER Hedzlynn Kamaruzzaman SENIOR DESIGNER Carl Golsby MAGAZINE DESIGN MANAGER Lucy Woolcomb DESIGN MANAGER Alan Gray DESIGN DIRECTOR Andy Jenning s PUBLISHING MANAGING DIRECTORS Andy Brogden & Matt Pluck FOLLOW US linkedin.com/company/feedzine @feedzinesocial +44 (0) 1223 499462 +44 (0) 7376 665779 emmastevens@bright.uk.com

W ith this summer set to be one of the rainiest on UK record, it seems we won’t be going anywhere without our coats, wellies and umbrellas. In truth, there’s nothing the media industry loves more than the latter when it comes to popular terms and expressions, and for our summer issue we’re homing in on one rising star amid a dense buzzword pool. Extended reality (XR) encompasses all real-and-virtual environments – the usual culprits that fall into its category include virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality. This issue aims to dig deeper into its increasingly established role among production and broadcast teams with a thorough ten-page focus.

Elsewhere, we examine the state of video, or more specifically how we are moving it, in a video compression special. Plus, for our Genius Interview, we meet UK managing director of Roku, Richard Halton, who shares his wealth of knowledge on the evolving ad landscape. Machine learning and AI, does anyone know the difference – or if there even is one? This issue’s Masterclass gathers a panel of experts to debate the topic. Also, as this year’s much-anticipated summer of sport kicks off, Xtreme is here to report back on the latest innovations in the sports and esports broadcast spaces. In an Xtreme exclusive, we interview Jarred Karp to get the inside scoop on documenting Project Africa: a mission that saw a man become the first to run the full length of the African continent. It leaves one question: why run one marathon when you could run 385?

This month’s cover illustration was created by Carl Golsby at Bright Publishing

VERITY BUTLER, EDITOR veritybutler@bright.uk.com

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